Thursday, July 2, 2009

Blogs and the people who never wrote them...

...or person anyway. I never was a big blogger fan, or a blogger at all for that matter-either as a producer or consumer. It's not that I was too cool, or not cool enough, or not technologically advanced to the point of figuring out how to use this blog template. I think it was more that I never saw the entertainment value in reading blogs that usually just had a paragraph about some random odd interweb tidbit and a link to the original blog or website where that tidbit was found.

Now, I find release in a blog. Emotional release. Yes, I have a beautiful and wonderful wife that is here for me (and me for her) every second of every day and I can cry on her shoulder at anytime- sometimes with her, sometimes just me. It's more of being able to tell the world had sad I am and how bad it sucks that our daughter died. My wife also has a blog her feelings.

Hopefully, as it is not my intent, this blog will not be a 365 (366 every 4 years) pity party for me. I guess my intent is to let other dads ( and moms) know that it is ok to grieve and that it is just as ok ( if not a bit healthier) to also still find, and maybe even search, for happiness...


AnnaBelle said...

Greetings! Here via Bluebird.

I'm so sorry that you are not holding Maya. I hope your new blog provides an outlet for your thoughts as a father missing his daughter.

Catherine W said...

Here from Bluebird's blog.

I didn't even know what a blog was before I lost one of my twin girls. And I'm not cool enough or technologically advanced enough to figure out how to operate the darn thing. But I'm muddling along though. I think it has helped me. I hope it helps you.

I'm so terribly, terribly sorry that you lost your daughter, Maya. How I wish that she was with you and Bluebird and the mini zoo. I think she would be having a fun time.

Will be reading.

still life angie said...

I really really wish you weren't writing for the reason you are writing, or any of us for that matter, but I am glad you are writing. I will be reading. I'm always grateful for another male voice in this blog world. I know my husband is too.

I'm so sorry that Maya isn't with you. Much love.

Hope's Mama said...

A very sad welcome to this sad little corner of the interwebs. I hated blogs pre-babyloss, now they are my lifeline.
I am still trying to convince my husband to read a bit of what I read, and even write at my space. With each new voice that joins, I think he feels more persuaded. Strength in numbers.
Will look forward to reading along here. But I wish I didn't have to. I wish you had your Maya.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that Maya isn't with you and Bluebird (and all the critters too). I'd love to hear more about her and about you.

Anonymous said...


I too am here via bluebirds blog.

I'm sad to know why you find yourself blogging, and so sorry to learn about Maya, but like you have found some release from doing it.

I hope you are keeping as well as can be and I'll keep an eye out for any updates from you.